Scholastic Book Fairs!
Erdenheim: December 9-13, 2024
Enfield: March 17-21, 2025
The Scholastic Book Fairs are one of our students' favorite events of the year, as well as being a vital EEHSP fundraiser!
Enfield: Students will preview the Book Fair on Monday, March 18 and fill out a "wish list." Orders are due back Tuesday, March 19 - Friday, March 22 for fulfillment.
How to Order?
Send back your child's "Wish List" for their teacher to collect, along with the form of payment: Scholastic eWallet, cash or check made out to "EEHSP."
If sending in cash or check, please add 6% sales tax to the total. If you send in over the amount, we will send home change.
We will do our best to fulfill all orders, but popular books sell out fast and we have limited quantities. Thank you for your understanding!
This year we will also have in person shopping available, including two Family Shopping Nights as well at Enfield! ​
Monday, March 18: 5:30-7:30pm, Open during the 1st Grade Family Fun Night. 1st Grade families only please.
Tuesday, March 19: 6-8pm, Family Fun Night! Bring in your old used books and our Sustainability & Garden Committee will collect and donate them!
Thursday, March 21: 5:30-7:30pm, Open during Kindergarten Orientation Night
Friday, March 22: 1-3pm, Open during parent-teacher conferences before we close for the week
For more information about setting up an eWallet and preview this year's hottest books, click below!
Our Book Fairs aren't possible without the help of many volunteers throughout the week!
Any questions? E-mail Chair Jen Kriska: